EON - 12-Bit High-Speed data acquisition boards

Main features

  • 1 or 2 digitizing channels
  • Up to 2 GS/s maximum sampling per channel
  • 12 bits vertical resolution
  • 128 MS to 2 GS on-board acquisition memory
  • 500 MHz bandwidth
  • Frequency Response Flat with ±0.5 dB up to 350 MHz
  • Full-featured front-end, with software control over input ranges, coupling and filters
  • Synchronize up to 8 cards in a Master/Slave mode
  • Low power consumption (15 Watts typical)
  • 32 bits, 66 MHz PCI standard for 200 MB/s transfer to PC memory
  • Ease of integration with External or Reference Clock In and Clock Out, External Trigger In and Trigger Out
  • Programming-free operation with GageScope® oscilloscope software
  • Software Development Kits available for LabVIEW, MATLAB, C/C#
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The high speed data acquisition boards 12-bit CompuScope EON provide the highest available Effective Number of Bits (ENOB (SINAD)) performance at high signal frequency that is available on the market.

The CompuScope EON PCI bus digitizer features 12-bit vertical resolution, up to 2 GS/s sampling, and high 500MHz bandwidth.
The fast sampling rate enables the capture of high-speed signals with ultra-high timing precision. The high resolution allows the capture of signals with very high dynamic range. Now available with up to 2 GS of on-board memory.

GaGe eXpert™ advanced on-board FPGA technology, such as Signal Averaging, is also available. Try our GageScope® Windows-based oscilloscope software for programming-free operation or one of our Software Development Kits for C/C#, LabVIEW or MATLAB for custom development.

EON-121-G10 - CS121G1 (1 channel, 12-bit, 1 GS/s, 128MS)


EON-121-G20 - CS121G2 (2 channel, 12-bit, 1 GS/s, 128MS)


EON-122-G10 - CS122G1 (1 channel, 12-bit, 2 GS/s, 128MS)


EON-181-001 - Memory Upgrade 128MS to 256MS


EON-181-003 - Memory Upgrade 128MS to 512MS


EON-181-005 - Memory Upgrade 128MS to 1GS


EON-181-007 - Memory Upgrade 128MS to 2GS


EON-181-101 - EON: Auxilary Input/Output Option


EON-181-012 - EON: Master Multi-Card Upgrade


EON-181-013 - EON: Slave Multi-Card Upgrade


EON 12-Bit High-Speed data acquisition boards
EON-121-G10 CS121G1 (1 channel, 12-bit, 1 GS/s, 128MS)
EON-121-G20 CS121G2 (2 channel, 12-bit, 1 GS/s, 128MS)
EON-122-G10 CS122G1 (1 channel, 12-bit, 2 GS/s, 128MS)
EON-181-001 Memory Upgrade 128MS to 256MS
EON-181-003 Memory Upgrade 128MS to 512MS
EON-181-005 Memory Upgrade 128MS to 1GS
EON-181-007 Memory Upgrade 128MS to 2GS
EON-181-101 EON: Auxilary Input/Output Option
EON-181-012 EON: Master Multi-Card Upgrade
EON-181-013 EON: Slave Multi-Card Upgrade
