Weiver Player 2.0 - RF generator 100KHz to 2.7GHz

Main features

  • Frequency band 0.1 to 2700 MHz
  • Real time bandwidth 56MHz max
  • Frequency resolution 1Hz step
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Play worldwide Broadcasting standards of DTV (FM, AM, ATSC, DVB-T/H, DVB-T2/S2, DVB-C, DMB, CMMB, DTMB, ISDB-T/B, OpenCable, and ATSC-M/H), Radio Broadcasting ATV (NTSC, PAL), RDS, TMC, LTE, Wifi.

WeiverPlayer supports GPS information for accurate locative information to evaluate the strength of the RF signal.

Wiever Player 2.0 RF generator 100KHz to 2.7GHz
