745T - 4 high resolution delay channels

Main features

  • 4 independent delay channels
  • Resolution of 250fs
  • Jitter <25ps RMS, <5ps short delay
  • Delay Range: 20 seconds
  • Output pulse up to 10V, 1ns of rise time
  • Independent control of width and amplitude
  • Controlled via Ethernet, web page and front panel
  • Compact size
  • Option: 8-channels extension
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The Model 745T generator provides four independent delay channels (A to D) on the front panel. The delay resolution is 1 ps, and external trigger-to-channel jitter is less than 25 ps.

BNC output connectors deliver 5V, 1ns risetime, under 50Ω. Amplitude and width are adjustable for each output pulse.One input trigger (TRIG IN), or two internal synchronized timers, or software commands may be used to trigger all output channels.

A T0 output pulse marking zero delay reference is generated at each selected trigger.

The Model 745T also provides (as an option) four auxiliary delays channels (E to H) on the front panel. The delay resolution is 1.25 ns and trigger-to-channel jitter is less than 50 ps.

745T-8C - Adds 4 auxiliary channels


745T-RM1 - 19” Rack mount kit, Single unit


745T-RM2 - 19” Rack mount kit, Dual unit


745T-OEM - OEM version (board level)


745T 4 high resolution delay channels
745T-8C Adds 4 auxiliary channels
745T-RM1 19” Rack mount kit, Single unit
745T-RM2 19” Rack mount kit, Dual unit
745T-OEM OEM version (board level)
