SCMPB02 - 16-channel backpanel with standoffs for mounting.

Main features

  • 16 Slots for 5B signal conditioners
  • Panel or DIN Rail Mounting Options
  • 19-Inch Mounting Rack For Backpanels
  • Multiplexed Backpanels
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The SCMPB02 16-channel backpanel can accept any of the SCM5B analog modules in any mixture. It can be mounted on the SCMXRK-002 19-inch metal rack. The SCMPB02 has two analog buses; one for analog input and one for analog output. This two-bus configuration takes advantage of the switch controlled outputs on the input modules and the track-and-hold inputs on the output modules.

A temperature sensor is mounted on each channel to provide cold junction compensation for thermocouple input modules. Field connections are terminated with four screw terminals at each module site. Up to four SCMPB02 backpanels may be daisy-chained.Use SCMXCA004-XX cable for daisy chaining and connecting to host computer.

SCMPB02-1 - 16-channel backpanel  without cold junction compensation circuits and standoffs for mounting. Use when cost savings is desired and thermocouple input modules SCM5B37 and SCM5B47 will not be used. SCMPB02-1 - 16-channel backpanel without cold junction compensation circuits and standoffs for mounting. Use when cost savings is desired and thermocouple input modules SCM5B37 and SCM5B47 will not be used.


SCMPB02-2 - 16-channel backpanel with DIN  rail mounting option. The backpanel is mounted on a plate which is captured by the SCMXBExx  DIN  rail  mounting  elements.  Shipped  fully assembled SCMPB02-2 - 16-channel backpanel with DIN rail mounting option. The backpanel is mounted on a plate which is captured by the SCMXBExx DIN rail mounting elements. Shipped fully assembled


SCMPB02-3 - 16-channel backpanel  without cold junction compensation circuits  and  with  DIN  rail  mounting  option.  Shipped  fully assembled SCMPB02-3 - 16-channel backpanel without cold junction compensation circuits and with DIN rail mounting option. Shipped fully assembled


SCMPB02 16-channel backpanel with standoffs for mounting.
SCMPB02-1 16-channel backpanel without cold junction compensation circuits and standoffs for mounting. Use when cost savings is desired and thermocouple input modules SCM5B37 and SCM5B47 will not be used.
SCMPB02-2 16-channel backpanel with DIN rail mounting option. The backpanel is mounted on a plate which is captured by the SCMXBExx DIN rail mounting elements. Shipped fully assembled
SCMPB02-3 16-channel backpanel without cold junction compensation circuits and with DIN rail mounting option. Shipped fully assembled
